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The power of the sun mavzusida ingliz tilidan dars ishlanma Исполнитель

The power of the sun mavzusida ingliz tilidan dars ishlanma (aim.~.doc
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The plan of the lesson :

Two  hours


Subject: English


The theme:         the power  of  the  sun

Aims of the lesson

-Scientific: to present &practice the new theme & to explain all the rules

-Moral cultural: to teach to be honest, kind, polite,& respect the elder people

-Developing: to develop pupils’ oral, reading, & writing skills

The type of the lesson: To teach oral , reading & writing skills. 

The method of the lesson: mixed , practical with equipments.

Equipments of the lesson: Fly High 8 form, cards, grammar book, vocabulary notes, different cards with tests, quizzes, computer, posters according to the theme.

The chronological map of the lesson:

1.Organizational moment (greeting, registrant) ___________________________________3minutes                    

2.Making up psychological atmosphere_________________________________________2minute

3.Asking home task (oral, written)_____________________________________________10 minutes  

4.New theme (teachers report of the new theme, to talk report)_______________________10 minutes 

5.Doing exercises due to the new theme (to work with the Fly High 8,)________________15 minutes  

6.Marking, conclusion, give home task_________________________________________5 minutes


Main part of the lesson: Good morning pupils, take your sits, please. Are you ready for the lesson?  OK

Let’s begin our lesson. Open your books and not books,  

Duty’s report…Who is on duty for today?

What date is it today?

What is the weather  like  for  today?

Who is absent for today?

Copy out the date, new theme & new words on the blackboard.

Who can tell me what was your homework for today? Who else ?

Explain new theme & translate new words

Doing ex;EX;1 look at the picture and answer   the  questions.

1 how many  hours  of  sunshine  a day  do we have in Uzb?

2  In what  parts  of  the  world  do  people  use solar power?

3how do  people  in the  world  use solar  power?







The film is a scientific morality tale: how,

starting from the most pure and basic

science, through stages of brilliant applied

scienceA century after Einstein’s

photon and 50 years after the

invention of the first practical

device to draw electricity from

sunlight, two Nobel laureates

at UCSB are pushing photovoltaics

forward with research

and a video project.

S ome anniversaries call for a party. For physics professors

Walter Kohn and Alan Heeger, the anniversaries of the

solar cell and Einstein’s photon theory of light are the occasion

for something more ambitious – an outreach program

for students, teachers, policy-makers and the public. At its

heart is a planned documentary on the past, present and

future of solar electric power.

Kohn, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in

1998 for his seminal work on the electronic structure of

materials, is the executive producer for the project. Heeger,

whose 2000 Nobel in Chemistry recognized his role in the

discovery of conductive polymers – plastics that have properties

of metals and semiconductors – is on the project’s board

of scientific experts, along with UCSB Physics Chair James

Allen and Stanford University Physics Professor Z. X. Shen.

Their mission, as Kohn explains, is to tell a “kind of morality

tale” about how science works and, in particular, why solarelectricity is a scientific project whose time has come.

and engineering, there emerges

one of the most promising multi-billion

Ex 2 look and  complete  the  diagram. Use under  the  words .

Cold   water in , sun’s  rays, insulation,  black    absorber  plate,   tubes,  glass, hot  water  out.

  Grammar  Remember;                                                                                                                It/they  can/could  be done.

It/they must  be  done

It/they should be  done

It/they may/might  be  done.

The ending of the lesson: Conclusion, marking, give home task.

Thank you for you attention ,Lesson is over Goodbye!   


















The power of the Sun      

Mavzusida ochiq dars islanmasi







Teacher; Holmatova. H

Form; 8-“B”

































Mavzusida ochiq dars islanmasi







Teacher; Ganieva   Shakhnoza Ilxomovna.

Form; 5-“B”












The plan of the lesson

FormshDate 1.04.14
Dateforform 5555          5 B


Subject: English

Teacher: Ganieva Sh. I

The theme: Seasons.

Aims of the lesson

Educational  ---   To teach pupils about the weather, explain new words

-- Socio-cultural:

- to raise awareness of the seasons and the ways of saying a season;


- to enable pupils to speak about colours and seasons;

- to enable pupils to understand and perform commands


The type of the lesson: To teach oral , reading & writing skills.

The method of the lesson: mixed , practical with equipments.

Equipments of the lesson: Fly High 5 form, cards, grammar book, vocabulary notes, different cards with tests, quizzes, computer, posters according to the theme.

The  technological  map of the lesson:

1.Organizational moment (greeting, registrant) ___________________________________3minutes

2.Making up psychological atmosphere_________________________________________2minute

3.Asking home task (oral, written)_____________________________________________10 minutes

4.New theme (teachers report of the new theme, to talk report)_______________________10 minutes

5.Doing exercises due to the new theme (to work with the Fly High 5)________________15 minutes

6.Marking, conclusion, give home task_________________________________________5 minutes


Main part of the lesson: Teacher: Good morning  boys and girls! Glad to see you! Are you ready for the lesson?


The pupil: Good morning  teacher!

Teacher: Sit down please! Let` s start our lesson!  Who is on duty today?

The pupil: I’m on duty today!

Teacher:  Now tell me please, what day is it today?



The pupil: Today is The 1st of April.

Teacher:  And what day of the week is today?

The pupil: Today is Tuesday .

Teacher:  Who is absent today?

The pupil: (-------------) are absent today/ all are present today.

Teacher: Ok, thank you, sit down please.

Copy out the date, new theme & new words on the blackboard.

Who can tell me what was your homework for today? Who else ?

Explain new theme & translate new words

New words;









Bright- yorqin




The main part of the lesson;


  1. The motto of our lesson is:

“If you know  a foreign language, you will know the World.”


  2. The theme of our lesson is « Seasons ».Today we’ll read, sing, speak in English and do a lot of activities.

3.Warm up activity; sing a  song.

4. teacher ; I’ll divided into four groups. The first groups name is “winter”,  THE Second “spring”,

Third ‘autumn’ ,the last ‘summer’.

                   II to introduce and practice  Impersonal Sentences.


  • It is (quyoshli) .
  • It is (shamolli).
  • It is  (yomg’irli).
  • It is (bulutli).It is (sovuq).

It is (iliq).

It is  (salqin)


III Teacher ; Who can tell me how many season in a year.

PP; there are four . Spring, summer, autumn, winter. T;Ok very good now lets play game . The type of the game you must find how many months in each  seasons ,name of the months.



2activity   ;look at the cards and say name the seasons, for e.g. It is summer.                                                                                                                                          3 activity.  Read and translate the postcards and say name of the seasons.




      4.activity.look, listen and repeat  

Listen and say

IV if you are tired stand up lets do some actions. Listen, do actions.






  At the end of the lesson; conclusion, marking, give home task.

Homework;write mothers and fathers favourite season. Do not write name of the season.





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