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Describe an occasionwhen you were helped by stranger Исполнитель

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Describe an occasionwhen you were helped by stranger

You should say:

Who the person was

Where and when the person helped

How the person helped you

and explain how you felt after the person did this


I am thankful to the young man, a passer-by, whose name may never be

known to me. He helped me out days ago in repairing my bike on my way to


It's a cloudy morning, and I rented a public bike to work as usual. On the

halfway, however, it began to rain. I was lucky, for I'd brought my raincoat

with me. Finding that I was a bit late, I hurried up. Unexpectedly, the bike

broke down, which I found was caused by the detachment of chain from the bike. There were times I met the same problem, so I was sure to fix it myself.

However, that time I failed, and then I became impatient and worried, making

it harder. At last, I gave up and thought of parking it somewhere and took a

taxi instead. However, realizing that if didn't return it in time I would be

charged and that I might be fined by missing it, I, helplessly, began to walk

while pushing the bike in the rain. Loads of people rode passing me, hurrying

away. Then, suddenly the young man stopped and asked if I needed help.

Knowing the problem, he parked his bike aside, and started to mend it. He

had to take off his raincoat so as to fix my chain. I was left standing there,

looking at him doing so. He made it, at last. Telling me to be careful and that

it's better for me to change a bike in the bike station five hundred meters

forwards, he returned to his bike. He left before I asked what his name was.

Now, I still ride to work, hoping to meet him again and thank him for doing me

a favor. As the saying goes, a tiny kindness one does is a big favor to others,

so does what the young man did to me.


I’d like to talk about a great favor a dweller of my community did to me this

summer. Thanks to him, I found the puppy I lost. The puppy, named Bones, is

my nephew’s favourite pet.I took care of Bones for a week, when my nephew

and his parents travelled to another city.

Bones was familiar with me and I took him downstairs to have a walk after

supper. The first two nights, nothing happened; however, on the third night he

run away fast no matter how hard I called his name, when a hug dog appeared

suddenly and frightened him. Then I run around the community, hoping to find

him until I was exhausted. Tired as I was, I could not get to sleep. I could

imagine how sad my nephew would cry, since Bones is his best friend and

they’ve been together for two years. So there’s no way for me to lose him.

Early the next morning, I rushed to a printing shop and made hundreds of

notice looking for Bones, with his photo and my number. Then I put them up

on each building and the notice board of the community. Unexpectedly, I saw

a notice also looking for a puppy, of the same breed as my Bones, which was

lost a week ago. I called up the owner, asking if he had his puppy back. He,

an old man, told me there was no news, but he would keep finding his pet. I

comforted him no news is good news, and he thanked me. Two days past, I

didn’t receive a call, and I spent the days calling his name and searching

each comer of the community, as I thought Bones would be too terrified to

hide himself somewhere. Yet, I was desperate as time passing by. The third

day, when I was hesitating to call my cousin about that, a call from the old

man cheered me up. He said that he found a puppy in the pet shop just half a

mile away. Hearing that, I rushed to the shop and found that it’s my Bones.

Tears went down when I held him. Though I had to pay a thousand Yuan to

the shop owner, I was thankful for getting it back. I really appreciated the kind

man for his great help

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