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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Speaking » Describe a person who taught you a useful skill. (For example, cooking, riding a bike)
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Describe a person who taught you a useful skill. (For example, cooking, riding a bike) Исполнитель

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Describe a person who taught you a useful skill. (For example, cooking, riding

a bike)

You should say:

Who this person is (or, was)

Who you learned from the person

How the person taught you this

And explain how this skill is useful to you.

I'd like to talk about my grandfather. He is a hot-tempered old man, from

whom I've learned considerable knowledge. Out of diverse skills he taught me, I

would focus on bike-riding.

It was the third year of my primary school when my families thought I was old

enough to go to school by myself and the most convenient way to get to school

is to ride a bike. My mother became impatient with me after I failed to learn to

ride for several days. So my grandfather volunteered to teach me although he

was almost impatient to do most of the things. To my surprise, he really taught

me with great patience and he didn't lose his temper at all. He explained and

demonstrated the skills of riding for me before helping me overcome the fear of

riding. And he accompanied me to practice riding for several hours a day.

Thanks to his instruction and company, I learned to ride a bike soon and it has

benefited me until now.

Learning to ride makes my life much more convenient and it is inevitable that

I'll be able to use it for the rest of my life. So I feel grateful to my grandfather

and I will pass the skill onto my children and grandchildren. Sample2:

I'd like to talk about my grandma who taught me how to cook.

I was left under care of my grandma since I was five year old. She was an

excellent cook and I, of course, was lucky to enjoy different tasty dishes each

day. Time flies, I successfully finished secondary school and went to my ideal

university, a boarding school, where I had five roommates who were all able

to do cooking. So on summer holiday of my first year, I returned home and

asked my grandma to teach me about cooking, to which she agreed

immediately, saying that it was necessary for me to take up cooking, for I

should look after myself without her being around. Knowing that I had no idea

of cooking and foods, she asked me to accompany her to supermarket to get

familiarized with various foods. Then I was put in charge of washing all the

stuff we bought for cooking, and was made to stand beside her when she

cooked, showing me how to do things. After a week's time, she left me to have

a try, though I felt I was not ready. Encouraged and instructed by her, I made

my first dish, although it was not as delicious as that made by grandma.

Anyhow, I made it. Grandma was much happier than I did, saying that I would

surely be a good cook like her.

Busy with my work, I still cook when I am on day off. Sometimes, I will try

a different way to cook, and I'd like to share my experience with grandma

about cooking, which she is eager to listen to and she is happy to try a new

way, too.

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