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Describe a party you would like to arrange for your family Исполнитель

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Describe a party you would like to arrange for your family

You should say:

Who you would like to invite to the party

When and where you like to hold the party

What you (or your guests) would do at the party

and explain why you would hold this party or what preparations you would do

for the party


In fact, I have a long-cherished wish: I want to arrange a New Year Eve

Party for my family.

The party would be arranged on the eve of the Spring Festival. Because,

in my country, this is an important festival for people to get reunion and

we will have enough time to enjoy our party. As to the location, I think the

party should be held in a spacious box in a KTV or a hotel room so that

we wouldn't be busy preparing dishes or washing plates. Before the party,

I would buy some flowers and ribbons, and I would decorate the room in

person. Of course, all of my family members would be invited to the


At the party, we would sing and dance as well as have some delicious

food. We wouId certainly cat our traditional food—dumplings, meaning

the transition from the old year to the new. Besides, among other dishes,

fish would also be an indispensable one—in Chinese, the pronunciation

of fish makes it a homophone for "surpluses", so fish is one of our

favorite cuisines. I would also elaborate some interesting games to

amuse everybody. Both the elderly and the young would be entertained.

You see, the pace of life is becoming increasingly fast, and I find that I seldom have much time to accompany or to communicate with my

families. So this is the party I would like to arrange for my family and I am

sure we would have a great time at the party, but it's difficult to achieve

this wish because all the hotels are crowded on the eves of Spring



I would like to arrange a birthday party for my grandma who will be

ninety years old in the coming September.

Healthy as she is, my grandma enjoys playing mahjong and

watching opera. She once said the happiest thing is to have family

around, so I will plan a big family unite for her. I have informed family

members of the plan, and children are encouraged to prepare to give

performances. Besides, an opera troupe will be invited to entertain her

and other elder guests.

The schedule of the plan will be that: the opera troupe will be

arranged to perform in the morning when guests will come to

congratulate her. It's traditional here in China, little children shall kneel

down to wish her a happy long life, and she will surely give the children

red pocket. Then, a big birthday cake will be placed on the table, after all

the people at present singing the birthday song for her, she will blow out

the candle. Buffet will be prepared for the guests, so guests will be free

to eat while enjoying performance. However, a table of traditional food

will be prepared too, as grandma and other elder guests may be not used

to the way ofeating. Noodles meaning a long life will be a necessity, of

course. During the meal, I will act as a host and get children to perform,

to take part in games like "get stool" and puzzle, which, no doubt, will

make grandma laugh a lot.

After the meal, tables will be cleared up for grandma and guests to

play mahjong. At night, fireworks will be arranged to entertain grandma,

as she loves the beautiful scene.

I expect to bring grandma a special birthday, when all the family get together

to share happiness

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