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An occasion when visitors came to your home Исполнитель

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Last week, my cousin with her husband and son who live in another city, paid

a visit to my home before they went to attend a wedding party- of a friend of

theirs the next day. The last time I saw them was during the Spring Festival.

My brother and I drove to pick them up at the train station. My nephew Kimi. a

five-year-old. was very active after the three-hour trip. The moment he saw us.

he run to us and called us sweetly On the way to my home, the little boy

looked through the window excitedly and kept asking his Dad about what he


By the time we got home, it's just tune for lunch. Mum made a big meal for

them, and Kim was so happy to eat the lobster, his favourite dish. On

finishing his lunch, he said loudly that the lobster cooked by Mum was the

most delicious food in the world, which made us laugh. Then my cousin and

brother-in-law decided to go to shopping mall to buy gifts for the party, but

Kimi insisted on going along with them and even cried. To stop him crying, my

brother took out a box of toys including a book about dinosaurs, which worked

well. Kimi picked out some guns and played his favourite game with my

brother as he always did when coming to my home. He made my brother to be

a hidden robber and himself a policeman, and then they had a ‘gun fight'. He

enjoyed himself running around the house to find my hidden brother. Mum

stopped them and offered him some snack later. He then lay on the sofa and

began reading the book. He's a big fan of dinosaurs and is never tired of

reading anything related to dinosaurs. He's able to tell the names of

dinosaurs printed on the book: I however cannot read many of the names for

they are obscure. About an hour later, he fell asleep for tiredness till his

parents returned.

I treated them m a restaurant for dinner and we had a great time out. Early the

next morning, they set for the party and Kimi reluctantly said goodbye to us.

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