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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Speaking » Describe a member of your family who are very close to.
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Describe a member of your family who are very close to. Исполнитель

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Describe a member of your family who arc very

close to.

You should say:

  • who he/she is
  • in what ways you are like him/her
  • how you differ from him/her
  • and explain why you arc so close to him/her.

To be honest, it's difficult for me to choose just one member of my fami ly as I do feel close to

all of them. But if 1 had to name one ... er. .. 1 would say my elder sister. Her name is [ .. . ].

Although she is 5 years older than me, we get along so well; we are very simi lar in personality.

We spend most of our lime together ... er. .. share the same interests and have lots of fun. For

example, we fo llow the latest movies, especially, action movies. Sometimes, we ta lk about

films for hours .... er ... Another common point is our university majors; she has completed her

education in business and I'm studying business too. So we have lots of things to talk about,

you know, having the same major has given us the same outlook on life ... er. .. by contrast,

we're totally different in looks; so unlike that no one would ever think we are sisters! For

instance, I have dark skin whereas she has fair skin . Or her hair is kind of curly, but my hair is

straight. The rca son why we are so close to each other is that we simply have the same

personality trails. We understi.ll1d each other because we grew up doing th ings together.

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