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Talk about one of your fri ends. Исполнитель

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Talk about one of your fri ends.

You should say:

how long you have known each other

  • how you mel each other
  • how you spend time together
  • and explain why you like this person.                                                                                                  

    I'd like 10 talk about one a rmy fri ends, actually my best friend ; ( ... J. We've been friends

    since high 5choo1

    - for about 8 years, 1 guess. Er. .. We were together in school for four

    years. Afte r that we chose different majors and so we were separated in college. Yet,

    we've kept up our friendship. I think it is good today as it was then. In fact, we share lots

    of common interests, we both like outdoor activities, you know, mountain climbing,

    hiking, picnicking and that sort of thing. Also, we both have passion for chess. Wow! We

    spend hours playing chess. He's a very special person to me; a truly great frie nd to

    11 5

    havc ... er. .. and is not just another fai r-weather friend, you know; to leave you alone when

    you are in trouble. We all know that in times of prosperity friends are plentiful! He's been

    with me in both good and bad times, a devoted friend and .. . er. .. so trusty. Um ... both of

    us are committed to this friendship and value it.

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