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IELTS speaking Gueeswork MAY-AUG 2019 by Makkar Исполнитель

Makkar Speaking May-Aug 2019
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  • Размер: 3.67 Mb

IELTS speaking Gueeswork MAY-AUG 2019 by Makkar


All materials of this pdf book are just for helping students prepare for IELTS. They are only makkarIELTS Speaking Guesswork (Part 1, 2 and 3) for January-April 2019 IELTS Speaking Exams. It means you can be given different questions at the exam. However, this edition gives you questions and answers, which enables you to understand how to structure your response in Parts 1, 2 and 3. The book is a big collection of cue cards (Part 2) that are most difficult for IELTS candidates.

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