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Адаптированная книга на английском языке «L.A. detective by Philip Prowse». Исполнитель

L.A. Detective by Philip Prowse
  • Скачано: 80
  • Размер: 12.87 Mb

My name is Lenny Samuel. My friends call me Len.

I’m a detective. I work in Los Angeles. I’m an L.A. detective.

Everybody in Los Angeles is busy.

But Len isn’t busy. He’s sitting in his office. He’s waiting. He has no work today. Nothing is happening.

Then a man comes into the office. Len doesn’t know him. The man is short and dark. He’s about forty years old. He’s wearing a suit.

The man is holding a gun.

The gun is pointing at Len.

I’m Frank. Come with me. Mr Blane wants to speak to you.

I won’t go with you, Frank.

I don’t like Mr Blane.

I don’t want to speak to him.

Frank is a tough man. Fie laughs. He hits Len on the head. He hits Len hard. Len’s eyes close. Len falls down. He falls onto the floor of the office.

Len wakes up. He opens his eyes. He’s sitting in a big chair.

The room is very warm. There are lots of plants in the room.

Where am I?

Hello, Mr Samuel. Welcome to my house.

An old man is talking and smiling. He’s Mr Blane. He’s a very rich man. He’s also a very bad man.

You’re going to help me, Mr Samuel. You’re going to find my daughter. Read these letters.

“Carmen is our prisoner.We want $100000. Give us the money. Then Carmen will come home. Meet us on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Meet ua at the bus station. The Young Ones.  Father! Help! Please dive them the money.

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