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The Umbrella by Clare Harris (MacMillan Readers, Starter) Исполнитель

The Umbrella by Clare Harris
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The Umbrella by Clare Harris (MacMillan Readers, Starter)

It is raining. The sky is grey. Carla goes to the market. She looks at the umbrellas.

She likes a red umbrella. It’s very smart. It costs ten dollars. Carla is a student. She doesn’t have much money.

I can give you seven dollars for that umbrella.

OK, young lady.

This is your lucky day. Give me seven dollars. The umbrella is yours.

‘This is my lucky day!’ says Carla. She holds the red umbrella above her head. The rain falls on the umbrella.

Carla goes to a cake shop. She wants to buy some cakes. Her little brother loves cakes. She goes into the shop.

She leaves her red umbrella near the door.

It is quiet inside the shop.

Carla chooses three small cakes. She talks to the shop assistant.

A customer is leaving the shop. She is a young woman. She is holding a cake box.

Carla is going to leave the shop.

But where is her umbrella?

There is one umbrella near the door. It is not a red umbrella. It is not Carla’s umbrella. This umbrella is old and black. It has a pattern of yellow ducks. It is not smart. Carla takes the umbrella.

This is not my lucky day!

Carla walks to the town square. A young man speaks to her.


He smiles.

Carla does not know this young man. She walks away quickly.

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