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Conjunctions Исполнитель

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Conjunctions Conjunctions are words used as joiners. Different kinds of conjunctions join different kinds of grammatical structures. The following are the kinds of conjunctions: 1.Coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, yet, so Coordinating conjunctions join equals to one another: words to words: Most children like cookies and milk phrases to phrases: The gold hidden at the beach or by the lakeside clauses to clauses: What you say and what you do are two different things Coordinating conjunctions go in between items joined, not at the beginning or end. When a coordinating conjunctions joins two words, phrases, or subordinate clauses, no comma should be placed before the conjunction. 2.Correlative conjunctions: either…or, neither…nor, both…and, not only…but also These pairs of conjunctions require equal (parallel) structures after each one: Faulty: Clara not only wants money but also fame. Correct: Clara wants not only money but also fame. Correct: Clara not only wants money but also wants fame. 3.Conjunctive adverbs. These conjunctions join independent clauses together. Following are frequently used conjunctive adverbs: after all, also, besides, finally, for example, hence, however, in addition, indeed, in fact, instead, next, likewise, meanwhile, still, then, therefore, thus, nevertheless, on the other hand. 4.Subordinating conjunctions. These words are commonly used as subordinating conjunctions: after, although, as, as far as, as soon as, because, before, even if, since, how, so that, supposing, than, that, till, unless, until, when, whenever, where, whether, while, why, now that, lest, in case that. Subordinating conjunctions also join two clauses together, but in doing so, they make one clause dependent 9or subordinate) upon other. A subordinating conjunctions may appear at a sentence beginning or between two clauses in a sentence. A subordinate conjunction usually provides a tighter connection between clauses than  a coordinating conjunctions does: Loose: it is raining, so we have an umbrella. Tight: Because it is raining, we have an umbrella.  Finish! )
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