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Word lists in Reference Level Descriptions of CEFR by Carla Marell Исполнитель

pp328-335 Marello
  • Скачано: 17
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Word lists in Reference Level Descriptions of CEFR  by Carla Marell

In this paper we consider  how  profiles, or sets of Reference Level Descriptions  (hereon RLDs),  of  the  CEFR In this paper we consider  how  profiles, or sets of Reference Level Descriptions  (hereon RLDs),  of  the  CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for  Languages)  for English, German,  French, Spanish  and Italian present their word lists. We focus on B2 because it is the RLD level reached and published by all the profiles and also because vocabulary for C1 and C2 levels cannot be delimited.

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