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IELTS Express Upper Intermediate Coursebook by Hallows Richard, Lisboa Martin, Unwin Mark Исполнитель

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  • Размер: 43.16 Mb


IELTS Express Upper Intermediate Coursebook

by Hallows Richard, Lisboa Martin, Unwin Mark

Exam Essentials
Publisher: THOMSON
Date : 2006-05-12
ISBN: I1413009638 + 3191929622
Pages : 136. 
Format : pdf.
IELTS Express Upper Intermediate is the second level of a two-level IELTS exam preparation series. Level two is designed for students at IELTS band 5.5 and above, providing a mid-level entry-point for students wishing to prepare for IELTS. Each IELTS express coursebook is ideal for short preparation courses of 30-40 hours, and can easily be extended for longer courses by selecting from supplementary materials including the Workbook and Video/DVD.

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