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IELTS Express Intermediate Coursebook by Hallows Richard, Lisboa Mark, Unwin Martin Исполнитель

IELTSexpress Intermediate CourseBook
  • Скачано: 24
  • Размер: 28.5 Mb


IELTS Express Intermediate Coursebook

by Hallows Richard, Lisboa Mark, Unwin Martin

ELTS Express is a two-level preparation course for candidates studying for the International English Language Testing System examination (IELTS). The intermediate level is aimed at an IELTS score of 4 - 5.5. IELTS-type tasks and practice activities provide students with the essential skills they need for exam success.


Each IELTS Express Coursebook is an ideal choice for short preparation courses of 30-40 hours, and can easily fe extended for longer courses by selecting from supplementary materials.


IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a globally recognised English Language exam, designed to assess the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is the language of communication. It is accepted by the majority of universities and further education colleges in the UK, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa as well as a large number of institutions in the United States. It is also recognised by professional bodies, immigration authorities and other government agencies. IELTS is jointly managed by the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL), the British Council and IOP: IELTS Australia.

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