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IELTS Target 5.0 by Chris Gough Исполнитель

IELTS Target 5.0 - Listening Part (Ebook+Audio).rar
  • Скачано: 58
  • Размер: 136.3 Mb

IELTS Target 5.0 by Chris Gough

Leading to IELTS Academic

target 5

Garnet Education, 2010. — 90 pages.
Only listening part!


IELTS Target 5.0 is aimed at students wishing to prepare for the IELTS exam while studying at pre-intermediate level. The main focus of preparation is IELTS General Training, as this is more appropriate for this level of student. Additional bridging material is incorporated later in the course for those students wishing to continue with IELTS Academic.

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