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Mat Clark - IELTS SPEAKING (pdf) Исполнитель

Mat Clark - IELTS SPEAKING (2007).pdf
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This book is written by a IELTS examiner who has been working for many years in China. it includes useful tips/analysis for each part of the IELTS speaking test. Even though the books is oriented for Chinese speakers, it is both useful for the wide rage of public. This book is highly recommended for those who is taking IELTS.

Ushbu kitob bir necha yillar mobaynida Xitoyda ishlagan IELTS imtixon oluvchisi tomonidan yozilgan bo'lib, u IELTS so'zlashuv testi bo'yicha foydali maslahatlar/tahlillarni o'z ichiga olgan. Garchi kitob Xitoylik so'zlashuvchilarga mo'ljallangan bo'lsada, u keng jamoatchilikka ham foydali sanaladi. Mazkur kitob IELTS imtixoni topshiruvchilariga qattiq tavsiya qilinadi.  

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