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Master your IELTS Skills Speaking Answers by Shawn Barnes Исполнитель

  • Скачано: 29
  • Размер: 1.02 Mb


Master  your  IELTS Skills Speaking Answers

by Shawn Barnes

‘Master your IELTS Skills - Speaking Answers (Part 1, 2 and 3)’ is an e-book that provides answers to numerous questions of all the three parts of the Speaking test.
This eBook is of great help to those who are appearing for their Academic and General Training IELTS. The sample answers give you an overview of what your answers should be like in the test.
Please note that these answers are written by an IELTS Instructor who has been teaching IELTS for over 5 years now. The answers cover wide ranges of vocabulary and sentence structures. After finishing this eBook, you will find yourself more confident and ready to handle the complex twists
and turns of the Speaking test.
Please keep in mind that if you have bought my books ‘Master IELTS - Speaking Answers - Part 1’ and ‘Master IELTS - Speaking Answers - Part 2 and 3’ already, you do not need to buy this book.

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