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A poisonous plant you know Исполнитель

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Which is the plant and how do you know about itWhich is the plant and how do you know about itWhat is the shape of that plant?Have you ever seen that plant?India is rich in flora and fauna. There are millions of species of plants that aperson can’t count in his entire life. I know about a handful of plants that areharmful or poisonous. The one which I am going to talk about today is WildCarrot.It is one of the most poisonous plants that are found in my country. This plantwas first found in temperate regions of Europe and Southwest Asia. Thisplant can also be found in some areas of North America and Australia.I came to know about this plant when I was in school. I had participated in abotanical exhibition where schools from all over my hometown had come toparticipate in that exhibition. Our teacher selected me and one of my friendsfrom my class to participate in the exhibition.Our teacher told us the details of the plant and the school administrationarranged it for us. That plant doesn’t look so big. It is only a foot tall over ofthe ground. The leaves of the wild carrot are very thin and spiky.The leaves are of light green colour and has small flowers on it. The colour ofthe flowers is white and pale yellow. It has a solid but thin stem that supportshairy like leaves at the top. The leaves are very thin and curved at the edges.The leaves are in the shape of a needle. Thick at the bottom and it becomesthin at the top.This plant blooms in summers and just before the winters start. Its leaves arealso allergic and can cause irritation to the skin when held in hand. This plantis very rare, and people can also mistake it for the real carrot that we eat. Theplant is similar in size, but the carrot’s texture and colour are different.I had never seen such a plant in my life before. We handled that plant withcare and explained the features to everyone in the exhibition. We usedsurgical gloves to touch the plant as it might have caused allergy to us.(Note: You can also search and speak about Tobacco – as the poisonousplant)

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