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"Peculiarities of problems of translation of grammatical transformations" Исполнитель

5.Peculiarities of problems of translation of grammatical transformations_
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PLAN INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………..……2-7 CHAPTER I TRANSLATION AS A MEANS OF INTERLINGUAL COMMUNICATION 1.1      Principles of translation………………………………….…..……..8-14 1.2      Approaches to translation…………………………………………..15-18 CHAPTER II FEATURES OF LEXICAL AND GRAMMATICAL TRANSFORMATIONS 2.1       Lexical transformations.............................................................. 19-29 2.2       Grammatical transformations……………………………….…….30-41 CHAPTER III CHARACTERISTICS OF TRANSFORMATIONS OF SIMPLE SENTENCE 3.1 Transformations on the syntactic level……………………….….…42-47 3.2 Transformations on the level of the verb subclasses………….……48-61 3.3 The problem of the transformational rules and the definition of the       transform…………………………………………………….…………..62-66 CONCLUSION ............................................. …………….………………..67-70 BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………. ………70-74
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