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"Rendering of noun determiners from English into Uzbek (articles) " mavzusida BMI Исполнитель

1,Rendering of noun determiners from English
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     Chapter I.   Articles……………………………………………………………… 5             
    1.1 Etymology of Article………………………………………………...5                
1.2 Types of Articles…………………………………………………….7                
1.3 The functions of Articles…………………………………………….9

Chapter II. The usage of Articles………………………………………………17               
  2.1 The usage of definite and indefinite Articles with Countable Nouns  17                
2.2 The usage of definite and indefinite Articles with Uncountable                     
2.3 The usage of definite and indefinite Articles with some Semantic groups of Nouns……………………………………………………37                
2.4 The usage of definite and indefinite Articles with Proper Names….45                
2.5 The Place of Articles……………………………………………….54

Chapter III. Translation.               
 3.1 Grammatical problems of translation………………………………60                
3.2 Types of grammatical translation and Translation of articles from English into Uzbek…………………………………………..62

The list of used literatures………………………………………………………69

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