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«Babur and baburids in the works of world writers» mavzusida BMI Исполнитель

«Babur and baburids in the works of world writers»
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Plan INTRODUCTION Chapter I. Babur and his generation 1.1. Babur  is the founder of  the great dynasty 1.2. Baburid kings and princes Chapter II. Babur’s  memoir “Baburnama” and Gulbadan begums “Humayunnama” 2.1. About “Baburnama”and its translations 2.2. Gulbadan begum and her book “Humayunnama” 2.3. Challenge of a Princess’ Memoir Chapter III. Works about babur and his dynasty 3.1.Stephen F. Dale and his book ‘The Garden of the Eight Paradises.’ 3.2. Ruby Lal and his book ‘Domesticity and Power in the Early Baburid World.’ 3.3. Other authors and translators about baburids Conclusion Bibliography
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