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Sorting letters Исполнитель

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Sorting letters

At the management sectional center, mail handlers empty the mail trays onto moving conveyor belts. The belts carry the mail to a machine called an edger-feeder, which separates the mail according to envelopes size. The Postal Service regulates the size of envelopes sent through the mail to make mechanical sorting easier.

The edger-feeder moves the letters into another machine called a facer-cancelier. Sending devices in the facer-cancelier locate the stamp or facer identification mark (FIM) on the envelope. These sensoFs enable the machine to arrange the tetters so they all face in the same direction. The facer-canceller cancels the stamp by printing black lines over it so it cannot be used again. An advanced facer-canceller can accept upto 35,000 pieces of mail per hour. The facer-cancellers also print a postmark on the envelope. The postmark includes the date, the name of the sectional c enter, an abbreviation for the state, and a threeOor five-number ZIP Code.

In  addition, the postmark  records  the  time period  during which the letter was processed at the post office-Letters processed between midnight and noon are postmarked a.m., and those processed between noon and midnight are marked p.m.

Handwritten mail moves to a computerized machine called a ZIP mail translator. This machine sorts the post-marked letters according top their destination post office. Postal workers push buttons on the machine's keyboard that send each letter on a conveyor belt and into one of hundreds of bins. Each bin holds mail for a different post office.

The advanced facer-canceter sends mail with type-written addresses to computerized machines called optical character readers. Such machines 'read' the address on a letter and then spray marks known as a bar code onto the envelope. Machines called bar code sorters read the codes and sort the mail according to region. Mail that arrives at the post office with barcodes and facer identification marks already on it goes directly to a bar code sorter.

Mail addressed to locations outside the region served by the management sectional center i s transported by truck, airplane, or train to other sectional centers for sorting. Finally, the mail is  sorted mechanically or by hand into bundles for each delivery route served by the management sectional center. Postal workers then transport the mail from the management sectional center to local post offices for delivery.

The Postal Service has also introduced an expanded nine-number ZIP Code chiefly for voluntary use by high-volume mailers. The longer codes enable the agency to sort a greater volume of mail mechanically.

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