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Post Office Исполнитель

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Post Office

Post office is a place where mail is handled and where postage stamps, other postal materials, and postal services are sold. The term postal office and postal service also refers to the government agency that provides mail service.

Almost everyone depends on the postal office. By means of letters, people can share news and make plans with friend and relatives far away. Stores and other businesses send bills and receive payments through the mail. Most magazines are delivered by mail.

Before the invention of the telegraph and telephone, the postal system was the only reliable means of long-distance communication. It contributed greatly to the growth of the United States and other countries. For example, it helped educate people and made possible the development of newspapers and magazines. It enabled business and industries to operate efficiently and to expend. The postal service aiso promoted the growth of democracy by keeping citizens informed about government actions. In the United States, it helped unite Americans who were scattered over a vast continent into a single nation.

The United States has the world's largest postal system. United S tates post offices handle more than 170 billion pieces of mail a year, about 40 per sent of the total volume handled throughout the world. The system is operated by an independent government agency called the United States Postal Service.

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