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    There are several ways that a remittance from an overseas buyer can be transmitted to an exporter. An exporter’s most important consideration is the speed at which this can be done- the quicker it is achieved the better an exporter’s cash flow and the less the less the cost of  any finance that may have to be raised to carry out an export contract.

    The most common form of non-documentary payment for exports is by mail transfer (International Money Transfer). An overseas buyer instructs a bank in the buyer's country to transfer an amount of money to an exporter's UK bank by airmail, and in due course, the exporter receives payment. Unfortunately this can be a slow process. However, the UK exporter's bank branch can assist the exporter in reducing to the minimum any delays in mail transfers. Although at first sight more expensive, a most effective way of making an international payment, because of the time saved, is by telegraphic transfer (Express International Money Transfer) or bank cable. Money is transferred by coded inter-bank telex and as long as the exporter makes it clear to the overseas buyer exactly which bank and account in the UK the remittance should be made to, the exporter should receive very speedy payment through the system. Delays in remittance can cost money, even cancelling out the profit in any contract, especially when the exporter is paying interest on any financing or the exporter's cash flow is severely affected. So it is worth the exporter consulting the UK bank about remittance procedures in open account contracts. The exporter should generally ask the overseas buyer to remit to a specified UK bank branch by telegraphic transfer. If the export business warrants it, the exporter can consider opening bank account to collect funds and transfer them in bulk to the UK by telex at regular intervals.

Remittance - перевод денег - пул утказиш

Cash flow - поток наличных денег - накд пул окими

Cheque (br.), check (am) – чек - чек

Draw a cheque on - выписать чек на - чек езиб бермок

Clear a cheque - выяснить, оплатить, отменить чек - чекни анклаш, тулаш, бекор килиш

Bankers draft - банковский счет, вексель - банк хисоби, вексел

Clearances - продажа со скидкой - чегирма билан сотиш

Mail transfer - перевод через почту - почта оркали утказиш

Telegraphic transfer - перевод по телеграфу - телеграф оркали утказиш, (жунатиш).

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