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Indian weddings are very bright events, filled with ritual and celebration, that continue for several days. They are generally not small affairs, with anywhere between 100 to 10,000 people attending. Oftentimes it is possible that many of the attendees are unknown to the bride and groom themselves. Though most Indian marriages are arranged, some couples in urban areas have what are known as "love marriages", where the partners decide to marry each other without family involvement or assistance. The traditional Indian wedding is more about two families being brought together socially, with much less emphasis on the individuals involved.

Many of the wedding customs are common among Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and even Muslims. They are a combination of local, religious and family traditions.

Wedding traditions vary across religion, caste, ethnicity, language, region, etc. Traditional Indian weddings are generally structured into pre-wedding ceremonies, ,wedding day ceremonies (consisting of the Baraat, the Varmala and the Phere), and the Vidaai.

Vidaai is when the bride is formally sent to the groom’s household. It can get quite emotional even for the most stonehearted. Many heart-wrenching songs have immortalized this moment when the bride leaves her ‘babul ka ghar’ or father’s house

An example of the complexity of an Indian wedding can be seen from the various phases of a wedding in the North. The following events take place in a typical Eastern Uttar Pradesh Hindu marriage:

According to Hindu religious texts, Brahma created man from the right shoulder and woman from his left shoulder. A woman is referred to as Vamangi or one who is on the left side. Throughout the marriage ceremony the bride sits on the right side of the groom. That is the place for strangers and acquaintances. Only after the Saptpadi, when the bride and groom have exchanged marital vows, is the wife seated on the left side of the man.

Bride and groom are told about their duties and responsibilities in married life by priest. These vows direct the couple to a positive path of action. They help in promoting marital happiness for a lifetime.

Vows by the Husband

I will consider my wife to be The better half. I will look after her just as I look after myself.

Accepting her as in-charge of my home, I shall plan things in consultation with her.

I will never express dissatisfaction about any shortcomings in my wife. If there are any, I will explain them to her lovingly. I will support her in overcoming them.

I will always have faith in my wife. I will never look at another woman with wrong intent, nor have an illicit relationship.

I will be affectionate and treat my wife like a friend.

I will bring home all my income to my wife. The household expenses will be incurred with her consent. I will always make an effort to ensure her comfort and happiness.

I will not find fault or criticize my wife before others. We will sort out our differences and mistakes in privacy by ourselves.

I will have a courteous and tolerant attitude towards my wife. I will always follow a compromising policy.

If my wife is unwell, or is unable to fulfill some of the responsibilities or through some misunderstanding behaves wrongly, I will not withdraw support or refuse to fulfill my responsibilities towards her.

Uzbekistan Wedding is an affair to remember as it involves a lot of preparation right from when children are very young. It is said that the Uzbek people never spend much on traveling as they spend all the money for their children’s wedding. Celebrations begin quite a few days before the wedding in Uzbekistan.

The people consider the wedding ceremony in Uzbekistan to be a great social event and so they do not forget to invite the foreigners who stay in Uzbekistan. Refusing to attend the wedding is not taken positively by the families of the couples.

A lot of money is spent in weddings in Uzbekistan. Parents start making the preparations very early as they always gift a lot of things to their daughter when she joins the new family. Kurpa and Tushak are the special dresses prepared specially for the couple. Gifts are also bought for the close relatives of the family.

First couples are legally married at the registration office and then a big wedding party is held at the bride’s house. All the arrangement for entertaining the guests is made. The bride usually wears a white dress at the party, which is called“kelin kuylak”. The wedding ends with prayers and songs. Friends and relatives congratulate the newly wedded couples for a happy and prosperous life.

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