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Is it important to follow fashion? sample Исполнитель

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As life changes, fashion is playing main role in mankind. Therefore some people consider that to follow fashion is vital. I am inclined to believe that this sentiment is partly correct as fashion is the best way to become modern and, it has deleterious effect on the preservation of our traditional clothes. 

Unquestionably, fashion is being an inseparable part of human being over a few centuries. For instance, to be modern, you should wear fashion-forward garments and precious jewelries. As a matter of fact, the majority of local residents of France cannot conceive their lifestyle without fashion. Indeed, fashion is the requirement of the period. Thus, fashion is the one way to be modern.

On the other hand there are those who argue that people of the present day wear identical and fashionable clothes rather than traditional costumes. In Uzbekistan for instance, female office workers are required to wear Atlas, a traditional dress, as a custom being handed down from generation to generation. It is worth to note that it is a symbol to give a millions of Uzbeks a sense of ethnic identity, wherever they are. After analyzing these, we should manifest not only fashion clothes, but also our traditional costumes, as it considered a good option to keep our traditional clothes.

It is proven in the above paragraphs that how to naturally becoming modern and how maintaining conventional costumes. From my point of view of the individual, we should keep the balance of both sites.

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