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Some people think that men and women are equal and so women should be able to do any job they want Исполнитель

Some people think that men and women are equal and so women should be able to do any job they want
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Some people think that men and women are equal and so women should be able to do any job they want. Others feel that men and women are not equal and therefore there are certain jobs which are not suitable for women.

What is your opinion?




Men tend to be stronger than females

Women are in charge of looking after children

Both genders have equal rights in society

Women are more sensible

The issue of equality between men and women is causing heated debates. Some people are of the opinion that because of having equal rights, females can do the jobs they want. However, others oppose this viewpoint, stating some inappropriate jobs that women cannot do. As far as I am concerned, women cannot be equal to their opposites, considering their physical abilities and conventional responsibilities. 

To start with, regarding a physical standpoint, women are naturally weaker than men and this makes them unsuitable for particular jobs. Let us take mining jobs which require a huge amount of physical efforts, for example. For these kinds of jobs, females are vulnerable. Considering this aspect, females cannot fulfil any jobs they want. Thus, the notion that women have the same equality as men is incorrect.

Secondly, traditionally women have been responsible for looking after children. Their inherent function does not allow them to involve in certain kinds of jobs as men do. Pilots, for example, are always on flight, being unable to be with their family. Thereafter, such types of work are not common for females and therefore, it is denied that both genders are equal. 

In conclusion, regarding physical fitness and the role of women in nurturing children, it is my belief that they can never be equal to their opposite genders. So, it is recommended that women should deal with the jobs they can afford to.

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