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Do boys and girls should be educated in separate schools? Исполнитель

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Do boys and girls should be educated in separate schools?

Do you agree or disagree?

There are heated debated about educating boys and girls. Some people say that two genders should be taught separately, whereas the others refuse this statement. As far as I am concerned, mixed school have more benefits.  In the following paragraphs I will support my point of view with some reasons and examples.

To start with, it is agreed that the pupils from mixed classes are more sociable.  For example, one of my cousins used to go to boys’ school who was more shy than the other pupils who studied at mixed schools. This example makes it clear that mixed school are more effective for the development of the children. Therefore, it is supported by me that both genders ought to be taught together.

Secondly, pupils taught separately from their opposite genders are usually more rude and brutal. This is due to the fact that pupils at single sex classes tend to use more taboo words that are not acceptable by many. Considering this, they have quite inappropriate manners.  This is another reason why I do not support single sex classes. 

To draw a conclusion, after considering both negative and positive sides of single and mixed classes, I once more firmly believe that educating the youth at mixed classes rather than separately have more advantages. Thereafter, it is recommended that parents should give their children to mixed schools. 

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