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The development of the horse over a period of 40 million years Исполнитель

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The process illustrates changes in the shape of the horse during the period of 40 million years.


   The first noticeable thing is that the evolution of the horse experienced four time stages: 40 million years, 30 million, 15 million and current time. In the first stage of the evolution, horse had smaller oval-shaped body with a short tail and it was called Eohippus. Moreover, there was also a difference from the modern horse in the foot structure. Eohippus had 4 long fingers on its feet. In the next stage, about 30 million years ago, Eohippus turned into Mesohippus and some changes happened in the body and also there was particular emphasis on the foot and tail. Instead of 4 fingers, there were 3 fingers on the foot of Mesohippus and its tail became a little longer. In the third stage of the evolution, the horse being called Merychippus saw changes above its head, especially fur appeared and rose widely up to the back of the animal. The middle finger of the horse lengthened and became bigger. Finally, in the last step, our modern horse replaced Merychippus, becoming more beautiful and resistant; it has woolen long tail and stable foot without fingers.

   In conclusion, there were 4 stages in the evolution of the horse beginning with Eohippus and culminating in modern horse.  

written by Sherzod

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