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Consumer spending on different items in five different countries Исполнитель

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The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.



The table chart provides information about how much percentage of consumers spending was made in five different counties in 2002.

Overall, it can be seen that the percentage of food, drinks and tobacco spending was bigger than other items’ spending. In Ireland, Spain and Turkey, while the percentages of clothing and footwear were nearly equal, amounting to 6.43%, 6.51% and 6.63% respectively, the figure for food, drinks and tobacco in Turkey was a leader with 32.14% being nearly 4% higher than Ireland and 14% than Spain. The percentage of food drinks and tobacco in Sweden was 16%, more than two times less than that of Turkey’s and slightly less than that of Italia’s. The indicator of clothing and education in Sweden was in line with Italy, amounting to  nearly 3 and 3.5% respectively. As to the figure for Ireland and Spain, expenditure on leisure and education was nearly equal and the figure for Turkey made up 4.35%.

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