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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Writing » Task 1 » Table below shows the most popular types of holiday activities amongst British senior high school students in 2003
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Table below shows the most popular types of holiday activities amongst British senior high school students in 2003 Исполнитель

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Table below shows the most popular types of holiday activities amongst British senior high school students in 2003.holiday.jpg

The table chart illustrates how many British senior high school students spent their free time on different famous types of holiday activities in 2003.

Overall, the number of females dominated the males in all types of holiday activities for the whole period, except for playing sports and gardening where senior high school male students exceeded their female counterparts.

The number of female students occupied with reading was 2 times more than males, amounting to 16.However, regarding to the figure for playing sports males exceeded about 4 times than females, accounting for 31. The pattern is complete reverse when it comes to sleeping and resting where the number of females and males were 25 to 15. A gap among females and males in self-education, gardening and watching movies was relatively small. When it comes to the last activity, the number of females interesting in shopping was more than  two times higher than males, consisting of 22.(Interestingly, 22 British female senior high school students went for shopping, more than two times higher than their male schoolmates.)

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