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The charts give information about two genres of TV programmes watched by men and women and four different age groups in Australia. Исполнитель

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The bar chart represents how many males, females and four different age groups watch two genres of TV programmes in Australia.

As an overall trend it is clear that more women like to watch Reality TV shows than men. On the other hand, the percentage of people (45+ year-olds) much higher than other group of people watching Game shows.


In Australia 37% of males watch Reality shows. While 70% of women show the highest percentage to watch of the reality shows. The number[1] of 16-24 adults who watch Reality show is 51% and this pattern is increased by ages from 24-34 60% to 45+ 60%.

On the other  hand, The percentage of men and women who watch Game TV programmes is almost same (61% male and 60% female). In contrast, 50% of 16-25 year-olds prefer to watch Game shows. Likewise, the number of 25-34 and 35-44 year-olds increases minimally from 38% to 40%.

70% of 45 and over year-olds people spend their time on Game shows in Australia.


[1] Percentage


Introduction 1. The bar charts represented on task 1 illustrate the percentage of men and women as well as people in four age profiles who watch two different types of programmes.

Introduction 2. The two given graphs provide information about the popularity of reality and game shows among two genders and four age brackets.

Introduction 3. The provided column charts illustrate an overall view of the interests of two sexes and four age ranges in reality and game shows.

Introduction 4. The column charts compares the proportion of watching two shows by two sexes and four age ranges.

Introduction 5. The bar charts demonstrate how reality and game shows are popular among two genders and four distinct age brackets in Australia.

Overall, as it is seen from the graphs, reality shows get more popularity among women; while game shows attract the interests of both genders nearly at the same level. In the meantime, as the people get older, they are more appealed to these shows.

Interestingly, 70 percent of females watch reality shows, twofold higher than their male counterparts. When it comes to game shows, their percentage is almost equal at 60 %.

Regarding to age profiles, half of the 16-24 year olds watch both shows. However, the figure for reality shows among middle aged people is upbeat from 60 % in the people aged 25-34 to 77% in 35-44 year olds, whereas this pattern for game shows is downward at about 40 %. Like youth, elderly people show the same interests in reality and game shows, but at higher percentage of 70.   

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