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Do you like to write a letter or an email? Исполнитель

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Do you like to write a letter or an email?

Due to time constraint and professionalism, emails are much more favorable

than traditional handwritten correspondence. However, I still enjoy the

sophistication and artfulness of handwritten letters since each one is

unique and intensely personal. Therefore, unless in business context, I usually

send written notes or invitations for my friends and family for their intimacy.

Constraint (n): a thing that limits or restricts something, or your freedom to

do something

Correspondence (n): the activity of writing letters

Sophistication (n): the quality of being sophisticated

Artfulness (n): the quality of being artful or of acting in an artful manner

Intensely (adv): in a way that shows very strong feelings, opinions or thoughts

about somebody/something

Intimacy (n): the state of having a close personal relationship with somebody

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