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Describe an outdoor activity that you like doing (or do regularly). Исполнитель

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Describe an outdoor activity that you like doing (or do regularly).

You should say:

What this activity is

Where you do it

When you do it

And explain why you like it.

I would like to talk about tennis, which is my best love among all the popular

sports. Tennis is popular all over the world, especially loved by teenagers.

There is a comic book named. Prince of Tennis, illustrated by a Japanese

artist. The spread of this book made tennis more popular.

The spirit of tennis is practice makes perfect, and we should never give up.

When I was in sixth grade, I began to learn how to play tennis because I was

a fan of the comic book. When I play tennis, I will devote myself to it. I have

entered for manytennis competitions. I like winning so the procedure seems

exciting. At that time, I was not good at sports. But after playing tennis, my PE grades became the best in my class.Because of tennis, I learned that I

should never give up when I faced difficulties. Istill have lots more to work on.

Tennis is my favorite outdoor sport.


I want to take part in World Walking Day, an international walking

activity. The activity, advocated by the TAFISA, is to raise people's

awareness of the importance of daily exercise. People are encouraged to

walk 6000 steps, about 5 kilometers, which can help them to exercise their

muscle and ligament, keep their ankle flexible, and stimulate the blood

circulation of their body, benefiting their metabolism and protecting them

from chronic disease. I think activity is very meaning, for people nowadays

are too occupied, either by work or other things, to take enough exercise.

It's said an increasing number of people around the world, at 30-50 years

old, are in face of diseases like dyslipidcmia, overweight and obesity, to

which the lacking of exercise is the main cause.

I got to know the activity, accidentally. On June 1st, 2012, Hangzhou

government held the second walking day, and the opening ceremony was

hosted in Xihu culture Square near where I worked. I remembered the day

on my way to work, I saw groups of people, even some children, wearing the

same T-shirt, with the slogan World Walking Day in Chinese printed on their

back. I was attracted by them, and surfed on the internet and found more

about the activity.

I look forward to joining the walking day next time when it's organized again

in Hangzhou.

Sample 4

The outdoor activity I’d like to try for the first time is to ride a solo-wheel, a

tool becoming popular transport. I’m interested in the convenience of the

solo-wheel riding, and I’ve bought one online which will be sent to me in days.

An experienced rider offered to train me and I could not wait for taking my

solo-wheel to practice on the square.

About half a year ago on my way to work, I caught sight of a young man riding

a solo-wheel. He seemed to be enjoying the riding and he rode through the

crowd of bicycles easily, about which I was quite curious, so did all the

passers-by. Pedestrians stopped, bicyclists and car drivers slowed down to

watch him. Then a week ago, I found a group of people practicing solo-wheel

on the square near my community. Some were experienced and they rode

around joyfully, while some were green hands and were busy with learning to

keep balance on their solo-wheels. Watching them riding for half an hour, I

stopped one of them and talked about his riding. He told me solo-wheel riding

was kind of novel, which was introduced to China a year ago from America.

The solo-wheel is prevailing in cities for its safety, convenience and

environmental harmlessness. A solo-wheel can carry a person below 120

kilograms, and it can cover a distance of about 20 kilometers after its battery

being fully charged for 45 minutes. An increasing number of people take up the riding, and they can stop at will since the fastest speed of a solo-wheel is

16 kilometers per hour. What’s more, it’s about 10 kilometers, and people can

transfer to bus or subway, carrying their wheels with them, or when they are

tired of riding. I’ve been tired of the crowding buses, and I decided to have a

try, since the man told me it only took a person hours or days, it depends, to

learn how to control the riding. It will be an interesting outdoor activity riding

a solo-wheel

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