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Talk about your favourite free time acti vity. Исполнитель

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Talk about your favourite free time acti vity.

You should say:

  • when you first started it
  • how often you do it
  • whether you would like to do it on your

own or with others

  • and explain what you li ke about it.                                                                                                    

    Personally, I'm very sporty, but my most favourite sport has to be tennis which I've been playing

    forthe last fifteen years. I first started it when I was at the age often. I can vividly remember the

    first time that I went to a tennis club and saw the tennis players. Yes, that was that! Now, I'm a

    good tennis player myself. But of course, it's a bit rusty th ese days. Unfortunately, I'm very busy

    with university lessons so I can hardly spare time for it. But believe me, if I could, I would play

    everyday ... cr ... ! usually play twice or three times a month. I have some friends who are so good

    at tennis. We usually go to a club called [ .. . ] ... er ... near our home. It has a great tennis court. Why

    do [like it so much? Because it's such an energetic sport whi ch allows us to release tension and

    take our mind off things when we are busy-minded. Another point is that I don't consider it only

    as a sport. To me, it's a game of strategy and pace. When something isn't worki ng in the first set,

    you have to change your strategy for the second set. You also have to save your energy in case

    you go to the third set, and constantly watch and read your opponent's reaction ... er ... and what

    keeps me going and playing? That's simply feel ing fresher, fitter and healthier.

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