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Describe a work of art you have seen (e.g. a painting or statue/ sculpture) Исполнитель

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Describe a work of art you have seen (e.g. a painting or statue/ sculpture)

You should say:

When you (first) saw this work of art

Where you saw it

What it looked like

And explain your feelings about this work of art when you saw it


I'd like to talk about the painting of the famous painter, Qi Baishi, the one

called Shrimps. There are several shrimps swimming in the picture, and they

are so vivid that one may mistake them for real shrimps, but for the signature

of Qi on the side of the painting. I got to know the painting from the painting

album shown by my teacher. From the work of Qi, I came to appreciate the

beauty of Chinese brush drawing and the importance of observation to a


I was interested in painting and joined a workshop on weekends while

attendingprimary school. My teacher used to show us students a painting on

each session, asking what we could see in it and how we feel about it.

Looking at it, I felt the shrimps were not still but were playing in the water, for it seemed that their feelers were moving. Then he would introduce its author

and its characteristic forward, describing the beauty of the painting. Though

it's black and white, I was attracted, for the first time I realized a painter could

be wonderful without bright color. After class, I found materials of Qi, and

appreciated other pictures of him. Bom in a poorfamily, Qi was educated for a

few years, and he started to make a living at the age of fifteen as a wood

carver. Ten years later, he fell in love with painting and turned to learn from

teachers. He was known to people in his 40th, and was famous for painting

fruits, vegetable and animals like birds. He was honored 4an artist of people',

for the stuff he painted was used or seen in people's daily life. It's said, Qi

spent months on observing the shrimps he fed in a bowl before he got the

idea how to do the work. Qi is one of the great artists I admire.


I’d like to talk about the statue of Qiujin-a heroine in Chinese Xinhai

Revolution, located on the side of the West Lake. The statue, made of white

jade, is actually Qiujin’s tomb. Set on a two-meter high square stone, the

statue is about one and a half size of an ordinary person. On the stone, the

account of her life by her best friends was engraved, as well as the inscription,

praising her contribution, by Sun Yat-sen. As carved, she wears a popular

hair style in her age, wearing Tang suit and a dress. Her left hand rests on

her waist, and her right hand holding a sword. The statue is vivid and


Qiujin was a famous revolutionist, who received good education and devoted

to overthrow the Qing Government. Also she was an excellent poet. Died at

32, she was an influential person in history and her life story was written in

the textbook, being known to all the Chinese. There was a long story of

setting up of the statue. Qiujin was beheaded and buried in a hurry in

Shaoxing city. Half a year later, her best friends bought the site to rebury her.

As a year ago before she was sentenced, Qiujin made a visit to Hangzhou and

she said it would be her honor to be buried somewhere in the area, where

situated the memorial museum of Xuefei, a national hero. In the last five

years, however, her tomb was moved to the hometown of her husband’s after

he died, since it’s a tradition in China that a couple should be buried together

after their death. Not until the October of 1981 then her tomb was rebuilt in

the original site and the statue was made for her by the government.

It’s good for the statue being built in Hangzhou, as more people can have the

opportunity to appreciate it and honor Qiujin.

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