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Describe something you did to help learning another language Исполнитель

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Describe something you did to help learning another language

You should say:

What you did

Where and when you did it

Who you did it with

and explain why it was helpful


While studying at university, we were required to learn another language,

besides English, and I found I was left no choice but to take up Japanese. I

was a slow learner, and had difficulty in learning at the very beginning. I came

up with an idea of finding a partner who could help me to get through, and I

made it. My classmate, Li, made it a rule for me to study with him every day,

during which we did kinds of practice standing outside the library where it's


Li helped me find out I was weak in Japanese for I was not interested in it,

and Iwas a bit afraid of speaking out the basic fifty sounds in Japanese, which

equals to the twenty-six letters in English. Being not familiar with the basic

sounds, I could not spell words, which I remembered by rote. Knowing my

problem, he downloaded some pieces of Japanese songs, a bit easy ones, as

he knew I liked singing. He carefully noted the strange words, and taught me

part of a song each time, and I was left to learn by myself. Then he had me

review what I learned at class, to correct my pronunciation and to check my

spelling. It took about an hour to do that. Gradually, I found it's not so hard to

speak Japanese, and I did well in my exercise. Then one day he took me to a

class where I was made to watch an hour of TV series in Japanese, after

which I would be given two or three sentences from it, and the next day, I had

to practice with him. I kept on studying with him for half of term till I caught up

with my classmates. I was grateful for his help.


To learn a language well, as told by my teacher, I need to get myself exposed

to as much native language as possible. For example, I can read materials, watch or listen to programs in the language. I’m preparing for the IELTS exam,

and I have to study English hard to get the score which enables me to be

admitted to the ideal school I’ve applied for.

I’ve made it a rule to listen to BBC news everyday in the morning for an hour.

Days ago, I bought a radio to listen to the broadcasting. It’s convenient to

download various listening materials online, and to use a walkman or a phone

to play them. I, however, think the best way for me to do that is to use a radio.

For one thing, I can listen to the latest news daily. In this way, I can be

informed of what’s going on around the world. For another, I can focus on

listening by using a radio. With a walkman or a phone, I may listen to music

stored instead. Every morning, I carry my radio while walking to classroom.

On the first week, listening was quite hard, for I was not used to that. There

are so many strange words in the program, and the speakers talk or read

quite too fast for me to catch up. However, I feel I do better each day, with

which I’m satisfied. At the very beginning, I could only get some words, and

now I can understand several sentences in a passage. The variety of

programs on BBC is really attractive, of which I’ll never get tired. Listening on

radio helps me improve my listening and offers me a choice to know more

about the colorful world.

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