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Describe a famous person important to your country Исполнитель

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Describe a famous person important to your country

You should say:

Who he/she is?

Why he/she is important to your country?

What do you think of him/her?


The famous person I'd like to talk about is called Yuefei, a well-known

General in history. As recorded, Yuefei, together with his army, won many battles, and protected his country from being invaded by some minority

groups. Although he lived more than eight hundred years ago, his spirit of

devoting to his country has always been praised by Chinese people. His work

(poems included) has been included to the textbooks and his story adapted to

several TV series, being appreciated by people. In another word, he is

influential to people nowadays. Bom in Beisong dynasty, a time when the

country suffering invasions and peopleliving with misery, Yuefei was fan of

reading, especially those in military strategy, and by learning from two

teachers how to ride a horse, to shoot, and to use sword to fight, he became

an excellent fighter. At the age of twenty, he enrolled in the army, and made

much contribution in defending his country. During the time, he made him

known in his country and its enemy, too, who wanted to bribe him so as to

conquest his country, which, of course, was turned down by him. Gradually,

he had his own army and invented many strategies in defeating the so called

'undefeatable'enemy, and became the nationally-acclaimed General.

However, he was framed and poisoned to die by the evil officials who were

bribed by the enemy. I admired him for his talent in training his army and in

coming up effective strategies in beating his enemy. What's more, he made

some poems expressing his resolution to defense his country and its people

which are impressive. He set an outstanding example for one to love his

people, and to be loyal and devoted to his country, virtues which are spoken

highly throughout the history of China.


The topic reminds me of Premier ZhouEnlai, a great person in Chinese history.

Although he has been dead for over thirty-seven years, he’s always

remembered by all the Chinese, Premier Zhou devoted himself to leading

Chinese people to found the PRC and to strive for a new way of Chinese

development. I admire him not only for the contribution he made to our

country, but also for his personality. He was strict with himself and never

made use of his status cither to make any profit for him or his family, or to be

treated differently. He’s kind to everyone and his assistants were more of his

family than his followers to serve him. Besides, he’s the servant of Chinese

people, to which he lived up till he died. He’s hard-working, and he slept for

less than three hours a day for years. He kept working though he was

suffering the cancer in his last few months. He’s a person being aware of

what’s right and wrong. He never made comment on an event or judged a

person by his personal feeling. Thanks to him, many innocent revolutionists

survived the dark period in Chinese history- the Great Cultural Revolution.

However, being busy with his work and suffering the painful cancer, he body

declined rapidly.

On a cold winter morning, he passed away in pain. On hearing the news

broadcasted on the radio, all the people burst to cry. On the day of his funeral,

the streets were crowded with people who waited to say goodbye to him. It's

said Premier Zhou is the only prime minister, for whom the United Nations lowered its flag at half mast.

Premier Zhou is one of the most important persons in our history, who

deserves admiration of all Chinese.

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