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Do you like... Исполнитель

  • Скачано: 75
  • Размер: 16.71 Kb


  • Direct answer
  • Details (reasons, specific points, …)


  1. Do you like…../What do you like….?

Liking phrases:

  • I am pretty keen on
  • I’m so passionate about
  • I’m really into
  • I’m really fond of
  • I’m so enthusiastic about
  • I’m a big fan of
  • I simply adore
  • I generally prefer
  1. Opening phrase (kirish so’z):
  • Well, actually
  • Well, honestly,
  • Well, of course,
  • Well, definitely
  • Well, you know
  • Yes, for sure
  1. Liking phrase+Point (P)
  2. Specific phrase (maxsus fraza)+Liking phrase+P1:
  • Especially,
  • Particularly,
  • In particular
  • To be more specific
  • To be more direct
  1. Reason
  • This is mainly because +S+V
  • This could be because +S+V
  • This is due to the fact that +S+V
  1. Linking words (Bog’lovchi so’zlar):
  • In addition to this
  • To add to this
  • Besides this
  • Additionally
  1. Liking phrase+P2
  2. Reason




Well, actually, I am really passionate about +Ving+P.

Especially, I am so keen on +Ving+P1.

This could be because +S+V.

In addition to this, I am pretty fond of +Ving+P2.

This is due to the fact that +S+V.



Do you like writing?

Yes definitely, You know, I am really into writing. To be more specific, I’m pretty keen on writing poems. This is mainly because you know, it is the best way to express feelings. In addition to this, I am fairly passionate about writing messages on cellphones. And this is due to the fact that they are very fast and you know, cheap to communicate with someone. And so, I simply adore this way of communication.

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