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Liking question with samples Исполнитель

What sorts of music do you like
  • Скачано: 55
  • Размер: 16.57 Kb

Do you like….?

1.    Opening phrase

2.    Confirmation

3.    Liking phrase +Point 1

4.    Reason

5.    Linking phrase

6.    Liking phrase +Point 2

7.    Reason

What do you like….?

1.    Opening phrase

2.    Liking phrase +Point 1

3.    Reason

4.    Linking phrase

5.    Liking phrase +Point 2

6.    Reason

Opening phrase:

  • Well actually,
  • Well you know,
  • To be honest,
  • Honestly speaking
  • Well ok,
  • Actually,


  • Yes, of course
  • Yes,
  • Definitely,
  • Yes for sure

Liking phrase:

  • I am really into
  • I’m quite fond of
  • I’m a big fan of
  • I’m pretty keen on
  • I’m passionate about
  • I simply adore
  • I generally prefer
  • I’m really mad about


  • This is mainly because…
  • This is due to the fact that…
  • The reason behind this is that…

Linking phrase:

  • In addition to this…
  • Besides this…
  • To add to this…
  • Moreover…

What sorts of music do you like?

Well actually, I am pretty keen on classical music. This is mainly because for me, you know, listening to classical music is the best way to relax. Besides this/ in addition to this, I simply adore listening to pop music. You know, when I listen to pop songs by my favorite singers, I just feel energized and motivated.


Do you like doing sport?

Well, of course I do. Especially, I am a big fan of football. You know, I think it is the best team game in the world. When I play football, I just forget all my problems, enjoying the moment. So, I always try to play football with my peers. To add to this, I am quite fond of swimming. You know, this is because it helps me to be fit.

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