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On course for IELTS Teacher's book bu Darren Conway Исполнитель

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On course for IELTS Teacher's book bu Darren Conway

on course

Publisher: Oxford
Pages: 119
On Course for Ielts is a 120 - 150 hour.full time course that prepares students for the acedemic module of the Ielts exam. The course is topic based and is designed for use by stundets at Ielts 5 and above.
On Course for IELTS offers :
- a fresh , communicative approach to familiar IELTS topics
- integrated coverage of reading , writing , speaking and listening 
- a grammar syllabus focused on the specific needs of IELTS candidates 
- systematic vocabulary development 
- regular test practise tasks
Student's Book 
12 topic-based units covering typical IELTS themes
authentic readings and listening materials with complete tapescripts
engaging, full-colour page layout
scope and sequence chart highlighting learning outcomes
an integrated approach that develops all skills required for each sub-test of the IELTS exam
a broad range of activities that extends students' communication abilities beyond the specific requirements of the IELTS exam


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