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IELTS preparation and practice : listening & speaking by Denise Young, Neilane Liew, Alet Doornbusch Исполнитель

2017-01-27_7_painted_whole (1)
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IELTS preparation and practice : listening & speaking  by  Denise Young, Neilane Liew, Alet Doornbusch

  • The 'IELTS preparation and practice' series is designed to meet the needs of students preparing to take the IELTS test. Each book in this series reflects the format of the IELTS test and offers a complete guide to developing the required skills for listening and speaking, reading and writing. Students can prepare for the IELTS exam by practising the range of skills required, before taking authentic-style tests in preparation for their IELTS exam. The focus is on both analysing the process involved in doing the exam questions and completing practice activities. The materials in the 'IELTS preparation and practice' series can be used in the classroom or for individual study.
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