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A visual guide to essay writing by Rao V., Chanock K., Krishnan L. Исполнитель

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A visual guide to essay writing

by Rao V., Chanock K., Krishnan L.

Sydney: Association for Academic Language & Learning (AALL). — 84 p.

We all know the proverb, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. 
For some of us, it would be easier to produce the picture 
than the thousand words!
Many people think in pictures. Unfortunately, this is often a ‘mixed 
blessing’ for students of humanities, social sciences, and other areas 
where a student’s learning is assessed almost entirely in essays. These 
call for a different way of thinking: verbal, in blocks of words, moving 
in a straight and narrow line towards a conclusion. If you’re a visual 
thinker, you can get quite frustrated in an educational system that 
marks not your understanding as such, but your ability to express it 
in a linear chain of reasoning with all the links spelt out.

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