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Academic Writing from Paragraph to Essay. Zemach D.E., Rumisek L.A Исполнитель

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 Academic Writing from Paragraph to Essay

Zemach D.E., Rumisek L.A

Macmillan Education, 2005. — 138 p.


This book is designed to take university-level students with an intermediate ability in English as a Foreign language from paragraph to essay writing. The course combines a process approach to writing (where students work on invention, peer response, editing, and writing multiple drafts) with a pragmatic approach to teaching the basics of writing (with direct instruction on such elements as topic sentences, thesis statements, and outlines).

The book includes a complete answer key and can be used in class or as a self-study book.

Introduction: Process writing.
Pre-Writing: Getting ready to write.
The structure of a paragraph.
The development of a paragraph.
Descriptive and process paragraphs.
Opinion paragraphs.
Comparison / contrast paragraphs.
Problem / solution paragraphs.
the structure of an essay.


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