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Successful Writing Proficiency Исполнитель

  • Скачано: 186
  • Размер: 18.07 Mb

Successful Writing Proficiency by Virginia Evans 

This book consists of well-structured units which develop the skills necessary for effective writing at advanced level. It is highly recommended for those students preparing international English exams, like IELTS, TOEFL.

Key Features:

exciting composition-related listening activities to stimulate the students' interest and elicit ideas on various topics;

a wide variety of model texts including narratives, descriptions, reviews, letters, reports, articles and discursive essays, which allow students to analyse the structure of the text type and to practise the necessary vocabulary and language points;

comprehensive theory boxes and plans;

extensive practice of writing techniques;

guided and free writing tasks;

regular Study Check sections which can be used for consolidation and revision.


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