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Successful Writing Intermediate / Правописание на английском Исполнитель

  • Скачано: 1314
  • Размер: 31.63 Mb

  • Скачано: 864
  • Размер: 5.21 Mb

  • Скачано: 574
  • Размер: 24.47 Mb


Как видно по названию курса, основная направленность обучения это письменные навыки.
Книга может быть использована как полноценный курс по правописанию английского языка.
В книгах для учителя Вы найдете методические рекомендации, планы уроков. а также. все ответы к упражнениям и тестам учебника.

Successful Writing series, consists of well-structured units which develop the skills necessary for effective writing at intermediate to advanced levels. This book can be used alongside a main coursebook, reinforcing the learners writing skills.

Teacher´s Book provides a full key to the exercises in the Student´s Book, useful notes for the teacher, suggested models to be discussed in class and tapescripts of all the listening exercises in the Student´s Book.

The Teacher's Book provides a full key to the exercises in the Student's Books, useful notes for the teacher, suggested models to be discussed in class and tapescripts of all the listening exercises in the SB. There is a wide variety of model texts including narratives, descriptions, reviews, letters, reports, articles and discursive essays, which allow students to analyse the structure of the text type and to practise the necessary vocabulary and language point.comprehensive theory boxes and plans and extensive practice of writing technique. The guided and free writing tasks and the regular Study Check sections, which can be used for consolidation and revision, are great to improve the skill.

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