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CEFR-Vocabulary list Key English Test (KET) Key English Test for Schools Исполнитель

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  • Размер: 631.56 Kb

CEFR-Vocabulary list Key  English  Test  (KET) Key  English  Test  for  Schools

Introduction  to  the  KET  Vocabulary  ListIntroduction  to  the  KET  Vocabulary  ListThe KET Vocabulary List gives teachers a guide to the vocabulary needed when preparingstudents  for  the KET and KET  for Schools examinations.Background to the listThe  KET  Vocabulary  List  was  originally  developed  by  Cambridge  ESOL  in  consultationwith  external  consultants  to  guide  item  writers  who  produce  materials  for  the  KETexamination.  It  drew  on  vocabulary  from  the  Council  of  Europe’s  Waystage  (1990)specification  and other vocabulary which corpus  evidence shows is high  frequency

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