Errors and Error Correction Исполнитель
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Errors and Error Correction
When acquiring a foreign language learners make mistakes assuming that their L1 and the L2 work in the same way, i.e.: they encounter many problems due to erroneous concepts.
They are the result of faulty deductions of grammar rules, transfer of learning habits in the L1 that do not match with the L2 and a lack of a proper command of the L2. In addition, learners may also experience various kinds of stressful situations as they have to deal with different areas of the L2, such as grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.
In order to avoid learners’ embarrassment and inhibition that my result in their discouragement to respond to the teacher’s input, errors should be regarded as a natural part of the learning process, as a meaningful learning tool and not as an obstacle that may impede a successful learning experience. Kroll and Schafer (1978) refer to errors as manifestations of the learner’s latent linguistic and cognitive procedures.