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Aims and Content of Language Teaching Исполнитель

Aims and Content of Language Teaching
  • Скачано: 33
  • Размер: 69.5 Kb

Aims and Content of Language Teaching.


List of principal questions:


  1. Language systems.
  2. Language skills.
  3. The importance of skills work.
  4. A purpose-based view of course content.
  5. Changes of emphasis.
  6. The communicative purpose of language learning.
  7. Other areas that are part of language learning


Learning Outcomes

By the end of the session students will have:

  • become aware of the relationship of language teaching to other sciences;
  • identified main sciences that have close relationship to language teaching;
  • become aware of how pedagogy, psychology and linguistics relate to language teaching.

Materials:  handouts, CD, blackboard, power point presentation.


Key words: Pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, conditioned reflexes, skills, habit.

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