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Uzbekistan and the world Исполнитель

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Uzbekistan and the world

August 31, 1991, the day when Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan was officially proclaimed, has become an initial point of Uzbekistan’s full-scale integration into the world community.

Since then the Republic of Uzbekistan has established diplomatic relations with more than 130 countries of the world.

45 embassies of foreign states, 8 honorable consuls, 11 representatives of international organizations, 5 international financial organizations, and 3 trade missions with diplomatic status carry out their activity in Tashkent.

Today 46 diplomatic missions, consulates, and representatives of the Republic of Uzbekistan function in foreign countries and at international organizations.

Uzbekistan is a member of more than 100 international organizations, and develops relations with various institutions of multilateral cooperation.

According to the Concept of Foreign Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the main priority of Uzbekistan’s foreign policy activity is the region of Central Asia, with which the vital interests of the country are linked.

Uzbekistan’s policy in Central Asia is aimed at ensuring peace and stability in the region, addressing the key problems of regional security, including contribution to the settlement of situation in Afghanistan, ensuring fair and rational use of water resources of transboundary rivers in Central Asia and ecologic sustainability of the region, completion of the delimitation and demarcation of borders, adoption of effective measures to prevent new threats, and building a close, mutually beneficial and constructive cooperation with all neighboring countries.

Uzbekistan is committed to pursuing an open, friendly and pragmatic policy towards its nearest neighbors, steps out for resolving all urgent political, economic and ecologic problems of the region by the countries of Central Asia on the basis of mutual consideration of interests, constructive dialogue and norms of international law.

Uzbekistan traditionally pursues good-neighborly and friendly policy towards Afghanistan, remaining committed to the principle position of non-interference into the internal affairs of the country, building relations with it on a bilateral basis, assisting and supporting a government that will be elected by the Afghan people. Uzbekistan believes that the only way to end the war and to achieve stability in Afghanistan is a search for a political and peaceful solution to the Afghan problem through negotiations and building consensus between different conflicting sides, formation of a government, which could be presented by the representatives of national-ethnic groups of the country.

Another priority direction of the foreign policy of Uzbekistan are the CIS member states, with which the country has historically formed political, economic, transport-communication and other ties. Uzbekistan builds bilateral relations of cooperation with CIS countries on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, respect and consideration of interests of each other.

Consistent development and comprehensive strengthening of friendly ties with the Russian Federation on the basis of the Treaty on Strategic Partnership of June 16, 2004, the Treaty on Allied Relations of November 14, 2005, as well as the Declaration on Deepening Strategic Partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation of June 4, 2012 meet the interests of both countries and serve to enhancing stability and security in the region. Further enhancing and diversifying trade-economic links and investment cooperation, as well as interaction in combating transnational threats and regional stability are the important aspects of the Uzbek-Russian relations.

Development of a comprehensive, mutually beneficial and constructive cooperation with the United States of America is a priority of Uzbekistan’s foreign policy, which is also based on the provisions of the Declaration on Strategic Partnership and Foundations of Cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the United States of America of March 12, 2002. The important directions of the bilateral cooperation are the cooperation on ensuring peace and stability in Afghanistan, fighting against transnational threats and challenges, extending cooperation in the spheres of investments and technologies to support the ongoing processes of modernization and reforms in the country.

Uzbekistan attaches important significance to developing mutually beneficial cooperation with the countries of Europe, as well as EU and NATO. The key directions of interaction with the European countries and organizations are the issues of developing trade, investment and financial cooperation, transfer of high technologies, cooperation in the spheres of science and technology, education, ecology, healthcare and culture, as well as enhancing the regional security.

The Republic of Uzbekistan is interested in further strengthening the strategic partnership with the People’s Republic of China as a close regional neighbor and a country which is playing one of the key roles in addressing global problems. The development of bilateral relations with China is based on the Joint Declaration on Establishing Strategic Partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the People’s Republic of China of June 6, 2012, the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation, and the Joint Declaration on the Further Development and Deepening of Bilateral Strategic Partnership of September 9, 2013.

The main areas of cooperation with all leading Asia-Pacific countries are expanding trade and economic cooperation on mutually beneficial basis, attracting investments and new technologies to the priority industrial sectors of Uzbekistan’s economy, as well as the development of cooperation in the spheres of science and technology, education, healthcare, culture and tourism.

The Republic of Uzbekistan stands for developing extensive and mutually beneficial relations with the countries of South Asia, particularly with India and Pakistan in trade, economy, and transport.

Uzbekistan will develop and strengthen mutually beneficial relations with the states of Middle and Near East in the spheres of economy, transport, finance and investments, including within the framework of the OIC and IDB.

Uzbekistan actively participates in the work of authoritative international organizations, first of all the United Nations, considering it as the only universal organization responsible for maintaining international peace and security, as well as assisting in promoting sustainable development of states in the context of rapid processes of globalization.

The Republic is also an active participant in regional organizations. In the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Uzbekistan supports the further development of partnership in countering the challenges and threats to the regional security, ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of the SCO member countries, and implementation of joint infrastructure and investment projects. Priority areas of multilateral cooperation of Uzbekistan within the Commonwealth of Independent States are the issues of trade and economic cooperation, development of transport communications, countering transnational threats and challenges to security.

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